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Read below to find out what happens after your request your appointment 

Your Pre-Visit


After submitting your request for a hair extension or color appointment you'll receive an email and text within 24 hours accepting your requested appointment. Slight adjustments of 15 to 30 minutes may be made to your request to accommodate additional appointments.


Please be sure to check your accepted appointment email to confirm the time and to fill out your digital consultation form (from Alice). This form helps her to prepare for your upcoming appointment.


A few days before your first visit you'll receive an email with information about where the studio located,where your free reserved parking is located, and how your hair should be for your services.


On the day of your appointment you'll receive a text to customize your experience details such as what music you'd like to listen to, beverage you'd like to enjoy and if you want to extend your scalp massage or add on any additional service to enhance your time in the salon. 



Your Consultation


The consultation is one of, if not the most important part of the service because it sets the tone.


Together you and your stylist will either review the information submitted on your digital consultation, or discuss the overall goal of your service to ensure that you're both on the same page as far how they're going to achieve your results before beginning your service.


Based on your short and long term hair goals your stylist will discuss the follow up services to book and how often they should be done to achieve your goals or maintain them.


Lastly, a personalized digital Service Map will be sent via text to you that outlines your consultation, overall goal, and what services are needed to achieve or maintain your hair color and extension results, their frequency and cost.


Post Appointment


Once your color or extension service has wrapped up, we encourage you to be open and honest with your stylist about your results in the off chance that additional detail work is needed.


Our feelings are never hurt if there is something that needs adjusting, because we want all our clients, including you, to love their hair from the time they leave the salon to when they return.


Your stylist will create personalized  home care routine for you based on your overall goals and style preferences so that you feel confident in caring for your hair between visits.


If you're receiving an extension install Alice will check in with you the next day to see how your first evening went and if you have any questions about your home care guide or home care kit.


If you're having a color experience done we will check in with you 3 days post appointment to see if you're still happy with your service or if you're experiencing any difficulties styling. At this time your stylist will be able to offer a detail appointment to make minor adjustments for you.

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